Speaker: Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker

Living Churches

In this sermon to kick off a “20/20 Visions” Stewardship campaign, we’ll explore one of the strangest passages in Hebrew Scripture. The prophet Ezekiel comes upon a valley of dry bones and Yahweh (God) asks him a profound question: “Can these bones live?” The story is full of metaphors for us to ponder as we … Continue reading Living Churches

The Path #3 – Walking the Path, Ritual and “The Half That Makes Us Whole”

How are we made whole? The “1/2” in this sermon stands as a symbol of our incomplete natures, and the need for our human bodies to be made whole in relation to something beyond the physical. This may be something deep and meaningful, or something rational or something mystical involving a ritual or practice. This … Continue reading The Path #3 – Walking the Path, Ritual and “The Half That Makes Us Whole”

“The Path #2 – Keeping to the Path, or How to Steer Clear of Spiritual Bypassing-A Sermon with Zen Tales”

In the early 1980s, psychologist John Welwood coined the term “spiritual bypassing” to refer to the use of practices and beliefs to avoid confronting uncomfortable feelings, unresolved wounds, and fundamental emotional and psychological needs. In the years that have followed, many well-meaning seekers have fallen under the thrall of bogus “gurus” who have reinforced these … Continue reading “The Path #2 – Keeping to the Path, or How to Steer Clear of Spiritual Bypassing-A Sermon with Zen Tales”

The Path, Part 1: Clearing a Path to Heartfulness

In a world overrun with words, thoughts, noise and conflict, how might we clear a  path to a more heart-centered life? The poet Rilke advises us: “The work of the eyes is done. Now go and do heart-work.” We’ll explore new paradigms for setting deeply-felt intentions towards “heartfulness.” The service includes a guided meditation for opening the … Continue reading The Path, Part 1: Clearing a Path to Heartfulness