Speaker: Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker

You Will Be Found: The Need to Belong and the Power of Tribes

“BEACON-ALWAYS CONNECTED” –  Weekly “virtual” worship on our YouTube channel – “Beacon UUC.” Subscribe to our channel and tune in at the usual time (Sundays at 10 AM) or on your own schedule. What does it mean to “belong” to a tribe, a community, a family, a congregation? One of the most rewarding aspects of … Continue reading You Will Be Found: The Need to Belong and the Power of Tribes

“Waiting For The Ice Cream Truck – On Living Deliberately in a Random World”

“BEACON-ALWAYS CONNECTED” – How We’ll Do Virtual Church We will offer “virtual” worship on our www.youtube.com channel – “Beacon UUC.” Subscribe to our channel and tune in at the usual time (Sundays at 10 AM) or on your own schedule. Sunday March 22, 2020 – “Waiting For The Ice Cream Truck – On Living Deliberately in … Continue reading “Waiting For The Ice Cream Truck – On Living Deliberately in a Random World”

Evangelism in a Liberal Key

Is it any wonder that the word “Evangelism,” which means literally “preaching of the gospel,” has an uncomfortable ring to many religious liberals? For many reasons, some valid and some stereotypical, we tend to associate evangelism with religious bullying and intolerance, with corruption and hucksterism, with rigid creeds and finger-pointing. In some cases, this is … Continue reading Evangelism in a Liberal Key