“We’ve Know Rivers: On the Constancy of Change”
A sage once remarked that “you can never step into the same river twice,” meaning that life, like a river, is ever-changing and forever flowing downstream from its Source. There have been changes that have carried us around river bends to uncharted tributaries, some currents have mostly floated us safely along, while others have swamped the very craft we had trusted to be buoyant and sturdy. The truth is some of us are better at challenge and change than others, more comfortable with the unpredictable ways of the river. There are those amongst us who might even embrace change and look forward to it with relish! In this service, we’ll launch our boat down the rushing river, lean into some rocks, and find strategies to let go into the flow.
Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker preaching, with Worship Associate Pia Driessen-Knittle. Music from Roomie Wood, Rebecca Prizznick, the Bill Staines classic “River” from the Mystic Chorale, and the Native American Chippewa chant by Sun Bear, “The River is Flowing.”
Tune in at our YouTube Channel: “Beacon UUC”
- Follow along: Lyrics and Unison readings will be visible in the service recording.
- Connect: Join the Virtual Social hour on Sundays at 11 AM. Zoom links to the meeting are within our weekly E-Newsletter and the Beacon GoogleGroup.
- Learn: Complete On-Demand, At-Home Adult and Children Religious Exploration program materials are available here:
- Adult RE
- Children’s RE 2020 Fall Program: “CartUUns” For Middle School Youth: “Fifth Dimension” see RE links for details.
- Donate: If you enjoyed the service, please consider donating here