“We Could Never Afford You – Meditations on Volunteers”

ALL ARE WELCOME! You BELONG at Beacon – Spiritually open and intentionally inclusive since 1958.

Sherry Anderson says, “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” The talents, skills, and experience that congregation members and friends bring to Beacon are priceless. Please join us as we celebrate volunteers, share opportunities to serve, and meditate on the joys of volunteerism. With Worship Associate Rev. Linda Ochi and music led by Andrew Schroeder, Music Director, with accompanist Pete Garcia.

After the service will be a chance to sign up for committees or for leadership of a workshop, art class, or book study and to enjoy smoothies and special treats.

After the fellowship time (around 11:15 a.m.), we will have focus groups that will discuss how the year without a minister is going and share hopes and dreams for the upcoming year.