“Spirit of Life, Come to Us”
-It is safe to say that Hymn #123, Spirit of Life, is as close to a UU theme song as we have in our tradition. The hymn resonates. UUs seem to “get” this song and the “inner conversation” it invites with whatever we identify as the Spirit that moves us, sings within us, roots us, sets us free. In this post-election reflection, Rev. Robin will share the inspiration behind Carolyn McDade’s “simple prayer of a hymn,” and how this broader knowledge infused Spirit of Life with even greater power and depth as we strive to revive the soul of our Nation.
Rev. Robin Preaching, with Worship Associate Linda Ochi. Music from Roomie Wood and Rebecca Prizznick
Tune in at our YouTube Channel: “Beacon UUC”
- Follow along: Lyrics and Unison readings will be visible in the service recording.
- Connect: Join the Post-Service Gathering on Sundays at 11 AM. Check-in, Live Joys and Sorrows sharing, and a centering discussion question related to the service. Weekly details and Zoom links to the meeting are within our weekly E-Newsletter and the Beacon GoogleGroup.
- Learn: Complete On-Demand, At-Home Adult and Children Religious Exploration program materials are available here:
- Adult RE
- Children’s RE 2020 Fall Program: “CartUUns” For Middle School Youth: “Fifth Dimension” see RE links for details.
- Donate: If you enjoyed the service, please consider donating here