“Democracy, A Dream Deferred”
Rev. Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson preaching. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker hosting, with music from Roomie Wood and Rebecca Prizznick.
When I first heard, years ago, that the word Democracy was nowhere in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence I was startled. This could not be true. Our government is a Democracy! As it turns out, our Founding Founders actually feared democratic rule. The Founders preferred the word “Republic.” My sermon will share the truth about the differences between the two and offer one way that our democratic dream may be realized.
Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson, Mississippi born, and Chicago bred, is a Minister, speaker, writer, poet, producer, soldier, teacher, mentor and Elder. His Poetry CD, entitled Spirit Talk, is as AJ says, “Spoken Word for the Rest of Us, That Speaks to the Best in Each of us”. Mtuaswa, his African name, is a Practicing Diviner in the African Spiritual Tradition of Burkina Faso as taught by Malidoma Some’, one of the world’s most famous Shamans, whom some refer to as the real Wakanda.He is the former Director of Congregational Life at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix and Minister of the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Bayside, California.
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