ALL ARE WELCOME! You BELONG at Beacon – Spiritually open and intentionally inclusive since 1958.
Do you have questions? (Who doesn’t?) In our tradition, it’s often been said that we care more about good questions than answers. Whatever questions you may have — ministry, congregational life, UU organization, history and more — bring them Sunday. Rev. Patrick McLaughlin will try to answer them! With Worship Associate Linda Ochi and music under the direction and accompaniment of Pete Garcia.
After the service: RIGHT TO SPEAK
Want to learn how to share your thoughts with the Arizona legislature? Come learn how!
Arizona is the only state that allows you to “speak” to the state legislature online, without the need to travel to the legislature. The Right to Speak program allows any Arizona citizen to use a website to express BRIEF opinions on any item under current consideration by the Arizona Senate or House of Representatives. Your opinions are immediately available online to legislators and to the public.
This Sunday, March 16th, Angela Hansen has agreed to lead anyone interested through the process of using the Right To Speak to comment remotely on legislation before the AZ legislature.
Bring your own laptop and meet in the Rainbow Room after church.
IMPORTANT: Please Create your Account BEFORE this session. To create your account, go to, click Legislative Information >> Request to Speak. On the next page, select Create an Account.
Brought to you by the Social Justice Allies.