Getting involved in activities with other Beacon members and friends is surely the quickest way to feel at home in our UU Congregation, and even in the greater Flagstaff community, since our social outreach involves us with other groups.  Participation in Beacon activities, programs, and committees is open to all friends and members of Beacon.  Only selected leadership roles and voting rights are reserved for Beacon members.  Friends of Beacon are listed in our directory with the members and have access to all the same resources and services.  The information here will help you to understand the organizational structure of our congregation and acquaint you with the many programs and activities that are offered at this time.


Building and Grounds Finance Committee
Committee on Shared Ministry Social Justice Allies
Community Action Committee Worship Associates

Responsibilities of Members of Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Attend Sunday morning services as often as possible. An empty church is spiritless and lifeless. A full church radiates good will, community sharing, and caring. We need each other as a congregation. Come to church as often as you can; not just for yourself, but for the others who need you to be here.

Volunteer. The congregation needs some of your time! Our church could not operate without a large and strong group of volunteers, and we need every person to pitch in! Here are some areas in which volunteers are always needed:

  • Sign up to set up the Sanctuary prior to Sunday services at least two to three times a year- a great way to get to know other members of the congregation.
  • Serve as a Greeter at Sunday services three to four times a year- a great way to get to know other members of the congregation.
  • Serve as a Religious Exploration (RE) teacher or assistant three to four times a year (a critically important service to our children!)
  • Sign up to serve on a committee that suits your skills and interests.
  • Participate in at least one of the Clean Up Days (on Saturdays, usually 2-4 times per year) to assist with maintaining our building and grounds.
  • Participate in Church activities. This is how you really get to know the other members.
  • Be willing to serve when asked. No one is expected to do everything! but every member is expected to do one or two things; whatever best fits one’s time and talents.

Be courteous. “Love is the spirit of this church.” We believe that this requires certain courtesies of us:

  • Our services are religious ceremonies. Be wholly present and respectful of the spiritual and emotional needs of others. If you must enter of leave during a service, please do so discreetly, at an appropriate break. Bring only water into the sanctuary.
  • Arrive ahead of time for services and meetings.
  • Promptly return phone calls and emails from other church members or the church office.
  • Read the Beacon newsletters, Google Group and office emails! Visit the website and Facebook page. Keep abreast of information and give yourself the opportunity to be involved.
  • Silence or turn off electronic devices during services and meetings.
  • To commemorate a special person or occasion, provide flowers for the altar. There is a signup sheet in the foyer.

Contribute financially. It goes without saying that the church cannot exist without funds to support programs, staff, and facility. Beacon UU has one full time Minister and several part time posts; Office Manager, Director of Religious Exploration, Choir Director, Accompanist, and child care provider. These funds come from our members. Each fiscal year, beginning July 1, we anticipate fund raisers, plate income, and miscellaneous income to account for approximately 10% to 15% of our budget. The remaining fund for our annual budget is supported by our Stewardship Campaign conducted each spring.

Learn about the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations in North America (UUA) is a religious association of UU congregations formed by the consolidation in 1961 of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America. Both of these predecessor organizations began as Christian denominations, but modern Unitarian Universalists are defined as non-creedal, and therefore are not limited to Christian beliefs or affinities, but also draw wisdom from other religions and philosophies, such as Humanism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Earth-Centered Spirituality. Every UU congregation is autonomous and self-supporting. Beacon receives no outside monies.  Each UU Congregation is expected to pay annual dues, based on congregational capacity, in support of the UUA Annual Program Fund. Beacon UU has always fulfilled this obligation to our national organization.We are also members of the Pacific

Southwest District (PSWD) of the UUA, which encompasses southern California, southern Nevada, and Arizona, to help fund the programs and operations of the district based on the size of our congregation.

Consider leadership. The Board of Trustees consists of seven members of the congregation, elected to overlapping terms as stated in the bylaws, at the annual meeting in June. The Board oversees the administration and fiscal management of the church and formulates new policies and changes to current policy. The Board meets monthly as scheduled in the Beacon Calendar.  Attendance at board meetings is open to everyone. Board minutes are available to members here. Members and friends can learn all about Beacon’s approach to leadership and view principal documents in the Beacon Handbook of Structure and Governance.

Be Involved!

Beacon is a welcoming faith community that embraces diverse thought and belief and works to build just, peaceful and compassionate relationships.  We need your involvement.