Category: Religious Exploration

Faith Development Updates

UU Day at the Legislature and High School Overnight at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix

Political Action Overnight High schoolers are invited to spend a night hearing from local politicians and activists then head to the capitol the next day to talk to their state reps! Chaperone Sign Ups Here: Youth Registration Here: Also, Register for UU Day at the Legislature Here: Katie Resendiz Director of Children’s Ministry at … Continue reading UU Day at the Legislature and High School Overnight at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix

Parents Learn and Leave, Children Stay and Play…Friday March 1, 2019

Parents: learn and leave…Children: stay and play March 1, 2019 5:00-6:00 Dinner (provided) and social time with other families 6:00-6:30 Adult Education– topic: Changes in RE at Beacon…How does this affect your family? Children– games with High School Youth 6:30- 9:30 Adults– Go on a date with your friends or partner and leave the children with … Continue reading Parents Learn and Leave, Children Stay and Play…Friday March 1, 2019

The second sense: LIFE

Life is the second sense among the twelve that Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf Education, developed and introduced about 100 years ago.   The sense of life is a lower sense, classified as physical, inner, or a sense of the will.  These senses are helpful with perception of one’s own body.   The sense of … Continue reading The second sense: LIFE