Category: REI Building Project

Permits, Insurance, and Stuff

There are a lot of things quietly going on in the background as we make preparations for construction. We just received comments from the city today regarding our permit application, so we will be going through those with our architect and working out changes and answers for resubmittal. We have received our supplemental insurance certificate … Continue reading Permits, Insurance, and Stuff


We are currently waiting for the city to finish reviewing our permit application and construction drawings for the addition. They should have some comments for us by mid-January. In the meantime, we hope to have the gas line relocated. Unisource has come out and marked the new location, which hopefully means they will soon start … Continue reading Utilities

Cottage Demolition Update

Things are happening at Beacon!  Finally, after years of planning by many members of our congregation, hours of meetings and talks with architects, contractors, engineers, and utility companies, the first part of our building project is underway.   The asbestos abatement of the cottage took place Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Nov 6 and … Continue reading Cottage Demolition Update