Category: REI Building Project

Good News?

The good news is, we may have good news for you next week. We have one more meeting this week with the city, and then we will know more about how to keep this project moving forward. Keep your fingers crossed, and please send some positive vibes toward the Building Expansion Team.

Final Estimate

We received the final estimate from Loven Contracting, and, unfortunately it was way over what was expected. The original estimate was for $304,000. After deducting the amount for removing the cottage, we budgeted $286,000 for construction. We kind of expected the final estimate to be somewhat higher than that, because of the rising cost of … Continue reading Final Estimate

More Preparation and Meetings

We will be meeting with the contractor and architect next week to discuss the contract, insurance, and the construction schedule. This week’s meeting was cancelled due to weather. Our next steps will be to clear out the attic and move everything to a storage unit until construction is complete. This will happen in a couple … Continue reading More Preparation and Meetings