Category: REI Building Project

Project Update April 11, 2019

The backyard construction zone is about to become very active. The gas company will be finishing up the gas line relocation this week, and some of us Building & Grounds (B&G) and Building Expansion Team (BET) peeps will be dismantling and storing the playground equipment in the next couple of weeks. The construction contract wording … Continue reading Project Update April 11, 2019

Not April Fool’s

This week we are moving forward! We have permits, we have a contractor, and we have a tentative start date of May 6! This is not an April Fool’s joke! The contract is in the works, which we hope to have signed very soon. Barry Brenneman has been working with the bank for the last … Continue reading Not April Fool’s

We Have a Building Permit

The good news is after eight months of hard work, we have a building permit and have finished negotiating with the contractor. There were no major changes from the original concept plan for Option B. We also received the lighting permit, which is separate from the construction permit. This Sunday at the Town Hall, we … Continue reading We Have a Building Permit

Moving to a Storage Unit

The updated application for our building permit was filed yesterday with the city, along with the revised architectural drawings showing the changes we had to make in order to afford to add on to our building. This process has been a roller coaster ride for some of us, but luckily we have a good Building … Continue reading Moving to a Storage Unit

Still Moving Forward

As many of you may know, we were startled by the price we received from our contractor at the end of January. We have since met with the contractor and architect, and renegotiated the price back down to something Beacon could afford. There were some construction items that were removed, such as the alley parking, … Continue reading Still Moving Forward