Category: REI Building Project

May 24 Update

The leadership of the Building Expansion Team would like to thank everyone for their valuable input at the May 13 Town Hall meeting. With all the questions and comments we received regarding construction estimates, financing options, and cost reduction possibilities, we feel that we have some more work to do before voting to go forward … Continue reading May 24 Update

March 28 Update

Mark your calendars for May 13 (Town Hall) and June 3 (Congregational Meeting). We will be discussing and voting on whether to proceed with construction, and what our options will be. We are moving right along with the Repair, Expand, Improve (REI) capital campaign, and the Stewardship campaign. The Visiting Steward training has been completed, … Continue reading March 28 Update

FAQs from the Open House

FAQ Answers to the Comments at the Open House Feb 11, 2018   Question/Comment: Drainage off property in rear. Answer: This was a really useful comment that we had not previously thought about. The back of our property appears to drain towards the back corner by the garden shed, into the neighbor’s yard. We will … Continue reading FAQs from the Open House

Capital Campaign News

A Leadership Donor Event is in the planning stages, to kick off our “Repair, Expand & Improve” capital campaign. This type of an early kick-off event is a good practice in capital campaigns. It helps to establish the foundation of giving, and gets the campaign rolling by having the Leadership Donors pledge early. So to … Continue reading Capital Campaign News