Category: REI Building Project

Cottage and Attic Inventory

We are continuing to move forward on the building project, although you won’t see too much happening until we get our new drawings, contracts, and city permits. This process will most likely take several months. In the meantime, we are doing what we can to prepare. Thank you very much to Kay Johnson, and her … Continue reading Cottage and Attic Inventory

Moving Forward

We are entering into the next phase of the project! The Building Expansion Team has met and set up some new teams to plan the clearing out the cottage and attic, move playground equipment, manage finances, and provide esthetics advice. We will be meeting with city staff right away for an initial review. We’ve met … Continue reading Moving Forward

Working on Options

Update on the Repair Expand Improve (REI) Project As we promised the congregation at the Town Hall and Congregational Meeting, the Building Expansion Team (BET) has been working to come up with some options to reduce the cost for the building project. Yesterday we met with our contractor, his estimator, and our architect and made … Continue reading Working on Options

Looking for Options

The congregation voted to grant the Building Expansion Team (BET) two more months at the annual meeting last Sunday, in order to more fully answer the questions and concerns that were brought up at the town hall on May 13. We will vote on whether to proceed with the project on July 29. The main … Continue reading Looking for Options