As we barrel on towards 1.5°C warming in 2028, what can we say about the effects this is having on our fellow humans and other fellow inhabitants of planet Earth? How are they being affected and what is our responsibility? Is it a “sin” if we drive another species to extinction? Since we all have our individual carbon footprint and are part of the overall collective carbon footprint, where does our responsibility lie?  Stefan Sommer preaching; with Worship Associate Char Tarashanti; music by George Murphy with Simon Cunningham, accompanist; and Social Justice Witness from Larry Spade of Servants at Work (SAWs), an ecumenical nonprofit that builds wheelchair ramps for those who cannot afford them. Following the service, there will be an Estate Planning Seminar sponsored by the Beacon Endowment Board of Governors and presented by local attorney Alexandra Shroufe.

Stefan Sommer, Ph.D., is a Science Communicator, film producer, author, and public speaker as well as  Founding Board member and speaker for the Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance and Founding Board member and speaker for NAU’s Sustainable Ambassadors Program.  Sommer writes for the Arizona Daily Sun as author of the column “Spotlight on Climate” and has served as executive producer of four award-winning PBS documentaries on biodiversity and habitat conservation.