PRIDE SUNDAY – The Rainbow Fish Keeps Their Scales

Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, with Alexei Besser-Gilbert and inspiring music from the Virtual UU Arizona Choir and other recorded selections. In the classic story of The Rainbow Fish, the shimmering swimmer makes friends by sacrificing their coveted scales to be accepted by their underwater peers. Some stories just need a rewrite, and Topher Payne gives us the ideal version for PRIDE, in which the Rainbow Fish keeps what makes them special and unique, rather than bending to the pressure to become ordinary and diminishing themself for the comfort of others. As the Fabulous Catfish tells us: “There is room enough in the sea for each of us to be amazing in our own way.”

Tune into the Service via the “Beacon UUC” Youtube Channel.

Come to the Post-Service Gatherings on Zoom, Sundays at 11 am to connect, share joys and sorrows, and reflect on the service. The Zoom link can be found in our e-news on the Beacon website.  Sign up to receive the e-news directly!