Virtual Worship for Sunday, May 2, 2021: Inequality for All: The Immorality Of The Wealth Gap In America” Why should we care about other people’s lack if we have plenty? In a society where the 1% and the 99% have become increasingly polarized and a callousness has set into our culture, we are urgently called (now more than ever) to co-create “fusion coalitions” to combat inequality of all types. The Rev. William Barber and his Poor People’s Campaign provides us with an effective model of “intersectionality” across race, gender identity, class, and faith divisions. As religious progressives, how might we join this moral revolution and intersect with others who are passionate about economic justice? Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker preaching with Worship Associate Nancy Paxton. Music from Roomie Wood, Stephanie Galloway, and recorded selections.
Tune into the Service via the “Beacon UUC” Youtube Channel.
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