Family Resources for Sunday August 18

In Religious Exploration at Beacon this week, Grades K-5 will continue to learn about Signs of Our Faith: a program about being UU everyday!

A community is like a ship: everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. — Henrik Ibsen, playwright


Background info:

This session sets a stage and expectations for children to grow in Unitarian Universalist leadership. Participants share what they already know about leadership. They discover ways they can become faithful leaders in Unitarian Universalism and in other communities to which they belong.

The details about Sunday morning:

Babies – 4 year olds

  • chalice lighting, children’s covenant, joys & concerns
  • play inside in our very popular wooden kitchen.

Kindergarten- grade 5

Grades 6-8

  • Youth breakfast 10:00-11:00

What you can do this week at home:

If you are unable to join us, feel free to use these links and resources to create a faith formation opportunity in your own home this week.

EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about… ways family members provide leadership at your congregation. How have they served in the past? How are they serving now? How would they like to serve in the future? Consider roles, and potential roles, for all ages.

EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Chores are an opportunity to share leadership of your family. Do some of chores allow the person who does them to make a unique contribution to the life of your family? You can try this in groups other than your family, too. If you think sharing leadership is important, volunteer to do something you normally do not do. Gather equipment at the end of a sports practice. Help fold laundry at home. Ask for instructions, if needed, to perform the service well. Let the people around you know that you think shared leadership is important and you are doing your part.

Family Game. The Laughter Yoga Institute website includes fun variations for the game Follow the Leader. Play with your family and friends.

Family Discovery. Play Leadership Mix-Up. Let family members change leadership roles. Perhaps the children should make out the grocery list and parents should feed the pets. Invite each person to see how well they can perform services normally d by someone else. Perhaps you will discover new talents.

Family Ritual. Start a leadership check-in. One way is to start or end a weekly dinner by putting out a bowl of grapes. Everyone should share a way they have provided leadership to a community (congregation, school, scouts, dance class, sports team, or other groups) and take a grape. You can substitute other items for grapes, such as little candies, stickers, or pennies.

Family Adventure. Watch the Disney movie, “Finding Nemo,” in which creatures of all ages and species have chances to lead—some well, some not so well. What does it have to say about leadership. Is “Just keep swimming?” a mantra leaders might use? What other movies are about leadership? Watch this cartoon about leadership and forgiveness. Who shows good leadership? Is apologizing when you are wrong a good trait for a leader?

I hope to see your family on Sunday!  Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way!  I am here for you.

All my best with blessings,
