Family Resources for Sunday February 10

If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.  — Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  — Harriet Tubman (c. 1820-1913), abolitionist and Underground Railroad conductor

[E]ach of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.  — Robert F. Kennedy

As part of the web of life, each of us embodies a miraculous, natural, and constant state of physical change. But workshop 5 focuses on inner, human transformations—changes of heart. Participants identify inner changes so deep, complete, and meaningful to the self and to others that they can seem miraculous. They explore how such changes happen: What moves a person from greed to generosity? Indifference to caring?

Workshop 6 is about those miraculous shifts from fear to openness, injustice to fairness, and isolation to collaboration that a group can experience when passionate individuals focus their love, faith, and determination to transform the community.

Time For All Ages during service on Sunday morning:

I will not share a story during service this coming Sunday.  Please bring your children directly to the purple room when you arrive.  They will not start the service with the adults this week. So, we will have plenty of time to complete both workshops 5 and 6.

The details about class on Sunday morning:

Babies – 4 year olds

  • Children’s covenant, chalice lighting, and joys & concerns
  • Listen to the story of “How Brigit Got Lands for the Poor
  • Color pictures of Brigit with her cape and name what you would change in the world.
  • play inside

Kindergarten- Grade 2

Grade 3-Grade 8

What you can do this week at home:

If you are unable to join us, feel free to use these links and resources to create a faith formation opportunity in your own home this week

For Workshop 5:

  • EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about…the miracle of our capacity to change. Share about times you have decided to transform yourself inside, to make your life and relationships better on the outside.
  • EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Most of us know bullies of one sort or another. Share about people you have known whose actions hurt others, and what kind of inside change could help the person treat other people better. Then, talk about how you might use your own love, faith, and determination to help the person change.
  • A Family Adventure. Take a large view of how your behaviors affect others—not only people you know, but others across the interconnected web of life. In the story, “How Brigit Got Lands for the Poor,” it was easy for the landowner to ignore the hungry poor—until Brigit made him look, and made him care. Brainstorm and do some research. Identify troubled situations outside your immediate community and give some thought to how the situations connect to you, your family, and your everyday lives. Take the opportunity to focus your love, faith, and determination to discern the situation, change your own behavior, and help transform the circumstances of others. Make the change!

For Workshop 6:

  • EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about…times you made a personal effort to help a larger cause—that is, to transform a community to which you belonged. What motivated you to act? What actions(s) did you take? How did your actions inspire others to help? Did your effort lead to a visible change at the community level? How could you tell? At the time, did anything about your impact strike you as miraculous? In retrospect, how does the experience touch your sense of awe and wonder? Your understanding of what is a miracle?
  • EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Look for a social action or justice advocacy project your family can join. Find a rally, fundraiser, a park clean-up, a pet spay/neuter campaign, or another community service project where you can experience together how an individual’s actions help shape community transformation.
  • Family Ritual – iRipple. Plan a regular time to share about the activities each member of your family has done which might have a ripple effect. Make stickers to wear that say “iRipple;” the badge is a reminder that all of our actions have rippling effects out into the world. Make a chart to mark each family member’s iRipple reports.
  • Family Discovery. Scientists tell us that the world produces enough food to feed everyone. We have hunger because some people have more food than they can eat, some have too little food, and a lot of food is wasted. Food redistribution (sometimes called food recovery or gleaning) projects try to balance this by taking excess food from some communities and taking it to communities in need. Research your community: Is there a local food redistribution organization or food bank? Can you volunteer to help? Here are a few examples: Magic City Harvest in Birmingham, AL, Project Sharein Carlisle, PA and the Society of St. Andrew (operates gleaning projects in several states).


Coming up:

March 1 Parent Learn & Leave, Kids Stay & Play.  Details here!

March 3 Celebration Sunday, Worship for All Ages

March 16-17- Spring High School Con in Chandler, AZ


 Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way!  I am here for you.

All my best with blessings,
