updated Coming of Age, Coming to Beacon

note: some dates and times have changed.


I am excited to let you know about a special program we are offering for your kids ages 12-15 this year!

WHAT IS IT? As youth prepare to leave childhood, our congregation seeks to honor this transition with the Coming of Age program.

Unitarian Universalist teenagers usually join their congregations with a special “Coming of Age” ceremony. This ceremony will be preceded by a year-long curriculum helping them to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and articulate their own beliefs. The Coming of Age ceremony usually features the youth reading their statements of personal belief (credo statements) to the congregation.


The whole group will meet on second Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:00 PM.  We will also offer a retreat in November (Fri-Sat), a lunch with Rev. Kevin in March (Sun), and a Celebration dinner in April (Sat.).

October 9: Exploring Values

November 13: Severance from Childhood

November 30- December 1 Chalice Circle Retreat

December 11: Your Own Ten Commandments and Meet your Mentor

January 8: Bad Things

February 12: After-Death Beliefs

March 12: God Beliefs

April 7: Interview others about faith statements and lunch with Rev. Kevin.

April 9: Faith Statements in Music and When People Try to Convert You

April 27: Celebration Dinner

April 28: Youth Sunday

In addition to these dates, Coming of Age participants will meet individually with their mentors about six times throughout the year.


Also, as an optional addition to the program, NAU Film Series this semester is focusing on Youth in Cinema: Coming of Age.  Read this article in the Daily Sun for details.



Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 510 N. Leroux