Family resources for this coming Sunday October 13, 2019

In Religious Exploration at Beacon this week,

Grades K-5 will continue to learn about Signs of Our Faith: a program about being UU everyday!

Background info:

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe members of communities take care of each other. This session identifies ways we care for others in our families, at school, in the congregation, and in the wider world. Children learn about the common Unitarian Universalist ritual of sharing our joys and concerns.

The details about Sunday morning:

Babies – 4 year olds

  • chalice lighting, children’s covenant, joys & concerns
  • play inside in our very popular wooden kitchen.

Kindergarten- grade 5

What you can do this week at home:

If you are unable to join us, feel free to use these links and resources to create a faith formation opportunity in your own home this week.

EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about… ways your family helps care for others in the congregation.

EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Try… caring for your faith even when you are not at our congregation. Share ideas on how you could do this. Do you sing UU songs in the car? Do you say a grace to give thanks at meals? Do you light a chalice at home, or read stories by UU authors? Find out More About Signs of Caring

Family Adventure. One way to show caring for your UU community is to help care for the building where the congregation meets. Be family stewards of the building. We are actually having a Building and Grounds clean-up day ON OCTOBER 13 after service. All Congregation, All Ages, Work Day & Finger Food Potluck

Everyone is invited to join us for a finger food potluck and a morning of service with your Beacon friends.  We will be working in the front garden and doing some work inside as well.  If you can, please bring work gloves and clippers if you have them.  Also don’t forget your reusable mess kit and finger food for the potluck.  Wear your grubbiest clothes to service and we’ll whistle while we work to get ready for winter.  For more information, contact Theresa deBoer,

Family Discovery. Look for a new way to help take care of a family member. Maybe you can read a bedtime story to a younger sibling, or learn to make a parent’s favorite beverage.

Family Ritual. Create a new caring ritual. Perhaps arriving home after religious education, your family lights a chalice and everyone shares at least one new thing they discovered about their faith today. This shows you care about learning about Unitarian Universalism. Or, try a new ritual to help people in your family pay attention to the caring that is already in your lives. Once a week, invite each family member to tell about a kind action they performed, a kind action they received, and a kind action they intend to perform in the coming week.

Grades 6-8 will continue to learn about Building Bridges: a world religions program to deepen youth’s understanding of the dynamic, fascinating, and varied world in which they live. It seeks to broaden their knowledge of humanity and embolden their spiritual search.

Grades 6-8

I hope to see your family on Sunday!  Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way!  I am here for you.

All my best with blessings,


References: All information included in this blog post was retrieved from The Tapestry of Faith online Unitarian Universalist Religious Education curriculum.  Specifically, Signs of Our Faith,, and Building Bridges,