What is a FIRE circle supper?

It is circle supper sign up time again!  Members and friends have the opportunity to sign up to join a group of a few others and commit to hosting dinner once over the course of a couple months.
This year we added a new option!

A FIRE (Families In Religious Education) circle supper is specifically for families with children who would like to intentionally connect with other families in the church.  The format still includes a dinner that rotates between homes of participants over the course of a couple months.  Additionally, after dinner,  activities will be facilitated to promote friendship, connection, and growth among  families in Beacon RE. I will provide the resources and instructions for the activities.

Be sure to sign up with Paul Beier on Sunday or me (re@beaconuu.com)  if you are interested in joining a FIRE circle.

Read this article by Donald Skinner if you would like to find out more about Circle Suppers.

All my best with blessings,
